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Return to Melbourne


Well, I finally made it to Melbourne! After the most recent weekend lockdown, my partner Adele and I decided to throw caution to the wind and drive down from Brisbane as soon as the borders opened. We somewhat ambitiously decided to do the drive in one go so we wouldn't get stuck anywhere along the way, which turned out to be two-thirds enjoyable and one-third terrifying. Driving directly into sunset after Dubbo was certainly an experience, as was straining our eyes in the early hours of the morning to avoid kangaroos and incoming trucks. Luckily, our dog Frankie was heroically well-behaved in the back seat, despite his obvious confusion that his daily drive to the dog park took 20 hours! Anyway, we survived. We've managed to sort out a house to rent and some short-term work to get us through the next few months, so we can take our foot off the accelerator (literally and figuratively) a little bit now.

I really feel like I'm at home again. I lived in Melbourne for a couple of years in early high school and have felt a gravitational attraction to the city ever since. For some reason, my teenage nostalgia has never really faded, and it feels like I'm fulfilling a promise to my younger self to move back. That said, the main reason for my move is to pursue music as a career. I feel like there aren't enough small venues in Brisbane to sustain a steady income playing original music, and although it will be a challenge to break into the crowded scene here I think it will be worth it in the long run. It will take a while to get up and running in earnest as my music gear is still in storage up in Brisbane, but there's still plenty of life admin to do in the meantime.

On the music front, I've been going back and forth trying to decide what to do with a couple of songs that I recorded with Tony Garrett and Marly Luske some time ago, and eventually I landed in favour of releasing them. So stay tuned, they should be out in a couple of weeks! They represent a direction I was thinking of taking as a solo artist a few years back, and although I probably won't pursue that angle any further I think the results are worth sharing.

I doubt I'll blog on a regular schedule, but I'll try to do it whenever I get the time to pause for reflection. It seems like a good excuse to formalise my thinking and I like the idea of having a record of my thoughts to look back on. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this mainline into my stream of consciousness! See you next time.

Peace and luv,




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